This time we are there on Thursday 9am, the time of departure rings, it froze last night, a scraping of the windshield is necessary, . After an emotional goodbye to our wife and partner, we board the plane for Germany, Düsseldorf airport to be precise. We hope we haven’t forgotten anything important! This last week has been very busy with, at the last minute, the packing of the motorbikes. Finally we can take a breather!
It took two days of hard work to pack Hakuna and Matata. To keep the volume of the boxes to a minimum, we removed the front wheel, the handlebars and all the comodos, as well as the windscreen. We chose to make the crates ourselves, strong enough, not knowing the handling they would undergo. We took the opportunity to put the equipment (helmets, boots, clothes) and the full suitcases inside. In the end, we are approaching 300 kg/box.

Victor, our travelling buddy, came to lend us a hand.

My neighbour Jean-Pierre in the middle of a delicate loading action.

Organisation of transport and loan of a pick-up truck from our friend Simon, boss of GTH MANUTENTION, for a safe and comfortable trip.
Our driver of the day, our buddy Patrick who came all the way from Eupen just for us.
We are going far away to live a human adventure, but it has already started here. Many thanks to Jean-Pierre, Victor, Simon, and Patrick for their solidarity. We must also thank you, those of you who follow us on our website and on social networks, for the many messages of encouragement and support that have arrived in the last few days on the occasion of the departure.
During this exciting week, we still found the time to concoct a little surprise for you. We are putting at your disposal a map that will allow you to follow our evolution in real time. To access it, we ask you to send us an access request by e-mail, with the subject “ACCESS MAP”.
This concludes the articles on the preparations for the trip.