Do you know of anyone in your circle who…
flew around the world in a Boeing 777 without ever encountering a single incident or shaken his passengers ?
asked for a flying height of 40,000 feets in order to film her altimeter for a friend’s 40th birthday, and, cherry on the cake, asked her Singaporean co-pilot: please say “Happy Birthday Angélique” which in Anglo-Mandarin is something like: “Hepibirday Annjelik”….
has for years left Hatrival for Singapore without any regrets?

rode alone on a motorcycle through all the “stan” countries of Central Asia,
travelled I don’t remember which country in Asia, with a friend, with rusty old mopeds bought locally?
Rode the Royal Enfield to the craziest spots?
crossed the United States and first explored Canada, alone on his motorcycle, from Halifax to Mexico?
went back a few months later, still alone on his motorcycle, to discover South America as far as Ushuaia?
rode the most beautiful European spots that all real bikers dream of?
has been hiding in his garage for 25 years a superb twin-plane SV4 plane under restoration (test flights expected in 2020…)?
participated and finished! the now legendary Dakar-Bamako-Dakar organized by LPK (Les Pistes de Kédougou) only a few months after a big health problem?
well, we are lucky enough to know this extraordinary guy, this extreme adventurer?

Why are we honoring Victor? Very simple: he shares with us his great experience of motorcycle travel. Victor, regularly, sends us information, messages, tips, judicious advices,…
and a guy like him to guys like us is really precious …
Thanks Vic !